Thursday, February 26, 2009


It is 5.57 am...
I am still awake...
and exhausted...
preparing for midterm xm PSA...
(PSA=Public Sector Accounting)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


To feel love for someone and their love in return is the
most wonderful experience of our lives

When we feel love, we experience joy and fulfillment, but when it is absent we rapidly become unhappy and disillusioned. The search for love defines our lives and plays a critical role in the quality of our relationships. Love really does make our world go round!

Unfortunately we are rarely given any teaching about love, and yet with a little understanding and awareness it can transform our lives. Love can solve problems and heal emotional pain, but only when we allow ourselves to experience its power.

Consider for a moment the times when you have fallen in love or felt the love of a parent, child or friend. It is almost impossible to describe those comforting feelings of connection and well-being. Notice how anxieties and problems fall away to be replaced by solutions, ease and confidence. There is a timeless quality about love that buoys you up and protects you in even the most despairing of times. You are experiencing the power of love to heal and bring joy and success into your life.

Love is the fundamental truth of life. We are born to love and be loved. Some people prefer to see this love as a characteristic of our humanity while others prefer to see it as the manifestation of a divine or spiritual source of love. Whatever our personal belief, the power of love is experienced when we connect open-heartedly with others.

Our emotional and relationship problems result from our denial of love - our separation from the love that bonds all people and separation from our higher or spiritual source of love. This denial usually starts when we are very young and has a damaging impact on our lives. Perversely, we invent all manner of negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours to distract us from the love that we already possess. In romantic relationships we then search for love from another person, or try to gain fulfillment from material possessions, to replace the love that we believe is lacking within. This is a terrible mistake because until we have rediscovered self-love, we cannot give or receive love fully from somebody else.

Luckily the best place to work on finding self-love is within a supportive relationship. All relationships have their challenges and it is by working with our partner through the difficult times that the partnership is strengthened. By learning how to reconnect with people and our higher source of love, all our relationships will move up to a new level of success, fulfillment and joy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Dear mom..
Your birthday is here...
Bringing joy and pleasures...
On this special day, Mother dear...
It is the most special day of the year..
Because without you
I wouldn’t have the all encompassing comfort
of a mother’s unconditional love…
Your love, for me is very special...
You are always be there for me...
Whenever I need you...
To cheer me up...
Make me smile,
Bolster my confidence...
Or even sympathize with me
And ease my worries,
You fill up my empty and hurting places...
With your boundless affection...
Your loving presence in my life...
Gives me a reassuring feelings of security and peace.
Thank you, Mom...
and Happy Birthday!!!!!

~Love, your daughter~


Today's business law class is cancel,
I drive straight away to
to send my complaint later regarding

My timetable is terrible
since there are no gaps between one paper to another...
definitely I have not enough time to study
and make a well preparation to sit for the exam...
I already gone through this kind of situation twice...
for last 2semesters in a row...
and it was really damn affected my CGPA...urrrggghhhh!!!
so, I make up my mind
because I really don't want it to happen again for the 3rd times...

Enough about the final exam timetable...
Here I wanna write about both cards from Dya...

I was ordered the cards one for my LOVE...
it is actually to be send to him for the Valentine's Day wishes...
I know it is too late
but I can still send it

because the card doesn't specify the Valentine's wishes...
It is more to love's card...

This is how the card look a like...

As for my LOVELY MOM,
I asked dya to create me a birthday card
which can express my indeed feeling towards her...
I do want my mom to know how much I love her
and my grateful feeling of having a wonderful mom like her...
I'm gonna thank her to giving me birth
and raise me up until now...

And this is my mom's birthday card...

Here I also put some descriptions
given by Dya on how she creating the card...

"The 3 layers of cakes represent the 3 stages of Azie's life,
when she was a baby, a teenager, and now as an adult.
The diamonds on each layer symbolise
how much Azie's mom's love lights up Azie's life!
At the top of the cake,
I put a heart,
which is a symbol of Azie's love for her mom."

Last but not least,
I wanna thank Dya for patiently creating the cards for me...
and of course I do love the cards so much dear...
Love Dya soooo much!!!!

p/s: here is the link to Dya's blog...
she was wrote about my cards...


this is my younger sister...
my family and i used to address her as ADIK at home...
even though the youngest one is GEMOK...
even si GEMOK also called her ADIK...

i have no reason to put a post about her...
today she did called me asking
what should she buy for our lovely mom and dad as a present...
i am figure out...
"byk pulak duit minah nie..."
she just got her PTPTN loan...
no wonder lar kan...
good for her...
for her sister nie taknak lak tanyer nak aper kan... :)

my ADIK now studying in
Ipoh's branch...

here i attach 2photos of her wearing her nursing uniform...
with and without "tudung"...
she is a freehair girl..
she only wears a "tudung" for class...
arahan dari mak saya!!!hehe...
so...make a vote...
which one style do makes she looks even better?

Friday, February 20, 2009


i love and love and looooovvvveeeee this movie...
one of the movies that couldn't make me stop crying...
trust me...
i gives 5++++++stars...

the scene that i loved the most
is when Jerry and Holly are both on the bed...
After they had a great fights about having a baby..

Jerry was hold Holly's shoulder...
Then he said...

"What do you want?? I know what i want,
cause I'm holding it in my hands.."

Serious romantic..huhu

and then Jerry said...

"I wake up in the morning
and the first things i wanna do is see your face..."


i wanna be loved like that...!!!!!!

and so many scenes that i loved the most...


cik zizee yg paliiing matang...:)

cik yanie yang matang sket jer...hehe

cik dayah yg paling tak matang...huhu

~cik zizee loves cik dayah~

~cik zizee loves cik yanie~

really mish out moment together... :(

all the photos had been taken
during our
1st and 2nd semester...
we were stayed at Kolej Pernas
(known as DPP Tradewinds now)


(1) cik lulu

(2) cik fufu

(3) name is cik lulu...
can we be a friends???

(4) cik lulu start to "mesra2"
with cik fufu who is a lil bit more shy...

(5) we are sista!!!!

(6) let's chill!!!

(7) cik lulu and cik fufu had so much fun chills together...

(8) cik fufu cayaaang cik lulu...

(9) mmmuuuaaahhh!!!

(10) bestfriends forever!!!

cik lulu kissed her owner, cik zizee...hehe mmuuaahh...!!!!

and this is cik fufu's owner, cik el...

behind of the story :
el and me was bored
waiting for the psa's lecturer to come...


moral of the story :
choose a right class
and a right lecturer during the add drop week...
if not, nie lar akibatnyer...

dpt lecturer yg saaaanggggaaattt membosankan...
almost half of the class will feel sleepy during the class...



-end of story-

Thursday, February 19, 2009


anda dan si dia memang sehati sejiwa dan telah ditakdirkan untuk bersama melengkapi satu sama lain..dalam memastikan hubungan yang terjalin mempunyai kesinambungan yang erat, anda memerlukan strategi tersendiri dan kerjasama antara satu sama lain..anda berdua sependapat, saling bertolak ansur, bertoleransi dan jujur..banyak persamaan yang terdapat pada anda berdua turut membantu dalam menjaga keharmonian..tetapi awas!!tidak semua yang indah itu takkan bergoyang..pastinya ada kepincangan yang memerlukan anda berdua elakkan dari menjadi besar..mungkin pengaruh dari sekeliling membuatkan anda tension dan bergolakkan..namun kematangan anda berdua boleh mengatasi segalanya..segala fitnah ataupun khabar angin yang dilemparkan dapat anda tangkis dengan mudah..

dalam sesebuah perhubungan, sikap saling memahami amat penting..bukan sahaja dapat membantu kita memahami si dia tetapi turut mengekalkan hubungan agar bertahan lebih lama..tetapi ia bukanlah hanya di sebelah pihak sahaja tetapi kedua-duanya juga perlu memainkan peranan yang penting dalam menjaga hubungan..walaupun anda mempunyai prinsip tersendiri tetapi ia bukanlah alasan untuk anda mementingkan diri sendiri..jangan kerana prinsip itu membuatkan ia menguasai diri anda..mungkin komunikasi yang baik mampu member kesan yang bpositif terhadap perhubungan anda..cuba berterus terang jika berlaku salah faham dan kekalutan..jangan dipendam di dalam hati kerana bila sudah banyak terkumpul takut meletup satu hari nanti..dari berlaku perkara yang tidak diingini lebaik baik bertindak dulu..tapi berpada-pada agar apa yang anda lakukan tidak melukakan si dia..

baguslah kalau macam nie..mengamalkan sikap saling bantu-membantu dan tentunya anda sendiri tidak mahu hanya si dia saja yang memikul beban..jangan pentingkan diri sendiri..tapi jika si dia meminta bantuan anda hingga boleh menjejaskan diri baik anda fikir dulu..bukannya meminta anda menjelaskan segala hutang-piutangnya sedangkan anada tidak berkemampuan..ataupun pasangan yang terlalu mengharap pertolongan seperti tidak tahu untuk berdikari walaupun hanya untuk perkara kecil..selalunya orang yang saling membantu ini mempunyai sifat rendah diri dan sebolehnya tidak mahu orang tahu kelemahannya..tapi jangan tak tahu kalau ada orang yang pandai membaca isi hati akan tahu pergolakkan yang sedang berlaku dalam diri anda hanya melalui kegelisahan air muka anda saja..jadi, tidak salah kalau anda meluahkan sekadar melepaskan tekanan yang terbuku di hati anda..

persamaan dari segi zodiak adakalanya menimbulkan ketidakserasian..mungkin dari pertembungan sikap anda berdua..walaupun sikap memberontak itu ada, anda masih mahu bersama kerana perasaan sayang dan kasih yang menebal..sikap pro dan kontra itu adakalanya mewarnai perhubungan anda..tidaklah terlalu mendatar saja kerana ia boleh menimbulkan rasabosan yang boleh mengganggu kelancaran hubungan anda..susah kalau nak menciptakan hubungan yang sentiasa baik setiap masa..pastinya akan berlaku perselisihan faham dan pertelingkahan dan pertengkaran kecil..payah untuk menjaga hati orang dan sukar juga nak mengharapkan orang menjaga perasaan kita..kalaulah perhubungan itu menunjukkan tanda-tanda akan retak, anda perlu mengambil langkah yang positif bagi mengelakkan ianya berlaku..fikirlah secara matang, segala tindak tanduk anda boleh memberi kesan kepada diri anda...

mahu tapi ego..itu yang membuatkan anda berdua sukar untuk memahami antara satu sama lain..walaupun saling sayang-menyayangi namun keegoan yang menebal di hati membuatkan anda berdua sanggup berjauhan dan berlagak tidak memerlukan kehadiran masing-masing..mungkin anda boleh menipu orang lain yang anda tidak memerlukan dirinya tetapi bagaimana pula dengan hati dan perasaan anda yang terlalu kuat mengatakan yang anda sayangkannya..tidak salah anda tunjukkan pada si dia tentang perasaan itu..kikiskan keegoan itu demi kebaikan bersama..terimalah hakikat anda berdua benar-benar memerlukan satu sama lain..jangan menyesal di kemudian hari..

walaupun anda masih dan telah lama bersama namun masih terasa kurangnya keharmonian dalam perhubungan anda berdua..persengketaan...perang mulut..kerap terjadi kerana anda saling tuduh-menuduh..cemburu..mungkin menjadi punca perbalahan tetapi rasa sayang yang menebal membuatkan angin kencang mudah reda..untuk memastikan hubungan anda berdua berjalan lancar anda berdua perlulan bertolah ansur dan memahami satu sama lain..anda tentu tidak mahu perhubungan yang tejalin putus di tengah jalan..orang kata...kalau mahu memadamkan api jangan disimbah dengan minyak tanah...menyemarakkan lagilah api tu..simbahkan dengan air yang sejuk...pandai-pandai lah yer...

huahaa...jangan menangis..tak serasi langsung mungkin hanya sebagai pasangan kekasih..tapi kalau dalam persahabatan mungkin lebih sesuai..jangan pula selepas memutuskan hubungan percintaan, anda berdua bermusuhan selamanya..sekurang-kurangnya kekalkan hubungan persahabatan dengannya..manalah tahu kalau jodoh kuat di antara anda berdua...mungkin hubungan intim boleh terjalin semula...jika anda benar-benar sayangkan hubungan tue, pupuklah ia supanya ia berkembang mekar..jangan dimarakkan api da merosakkan impian bersama anda dan si dia..mungkin anda berdua patut untuk menyepikan diri buat seketika..tunggu masa yang sesuai untuk bersama semula..fikirkan kepentingan si dia dalam hidup anda...bukankah anda mahu si dia menemani anda sepanjang hayat anda????

p/s:darlin'...we are in the group number 1..
sehati dan you sayang!!!


BPCOM = Business and Professional Communication

arghhh...!!!like a shit...!!$@@^#$%(

i have midterm xm for BPCOM today...
ever since yesterday i have not enough sleep
because i wanna "pulun" study for the xm...
i sacrificed all my leisure time...
but ader lar time i curik2 ym n surfing internet...only if i felt sleepy lar...
even today I'd sacrificed my business law class...(ponteng...~wink~)
just for only "pulun" for the xm...

after solat maghrib i rushed to the experiment theater....
about 15++ minutes waiting outside...
madam wan bee came out and let us in the xm hall...
so cold...!!!lucky i bring along my sweater...hehe...
madam wan bee distributed the question paper...
and the xm started...

i opened the booklet...

kacang lar...true false question...
i took only about 10 minutes on this section...

structure questions... tak tau buat jer...
i read all the question in section b...
aiiiyoooo!!!nak jawab aper nie...
actually I'd done answering all past year question sets before...
and i think kacang goreng jer...
bley buat lar tue maknenyer...
not so over confident
but yet i think all the past years questions are much more easier
if compare to this year question...
I'm figuring myself...
"saper lar lecturer yg buat soalan cam hampeh nie...???"
i tried to be cool...
so i moved to the next section...
k.i.v dulu lar this section...

we are requires to change the active sentences to the passive one...
i can say that it is quite easy...
maybe because madam wan bee done a lot of exercises about this section in the class...
i was spent about 10++ minutes in this section...

after finished section a and section c,
i get back to the section B's question...
i "sepak2" my friend's chair in front of my table...
he "toleh belakang" to look at me...
i pointed at the section b...
he said "i also don't know maaaa..."(Chinese boy)
"susah looorrr...seperti tak pernah baca kan..."
i did agreed with him...
seem like we didn't even know...
(alasan...padahal tak alert sgt kot mase bace buku tue...hehe...~big grin~)
so....i just follow my principles...
"never leave it blank"
just answer anything that came across my mind...
so...i ended up with "hemtam saja lar labuuuu...."...hehe....

end of story...hehehe...

Monday, February 16, 2009

MY KEDINGS...hehe...

anyhow you look, i will definitely love you sayang...

Sunday, February 15, 2009


my love...

my heart and soul...

my world...

my everything...


dear all..
actually this was an outdated outings...haha...

last midterm break i brought my nieces n nephews
also my youngest bro to JJ, IPOH...
the night before,
i did promised to take them to watch movie...
but as soon as we arrived JJ,
there was a very long q to but the tickets...
arghhh...(tak larat haku nak beratur pepanjang)...
the kids was a bit disappointed when i said
"tak larat lar aunty nak beratur pepanjang nie...jom g jejalan lar"
they replied with bad sound..."huhhhh"
suddenly my very bijak pandai nephew (zarith) said...
"aunty, jgn bohong zarith tau...
aunty kate nak bawak zarith pegi tgk movie..." of sudden...DING!!!
(a brilliant idea pop up in my mind...hehehe)
i said...
"ok2...aunty malas lar beratur panjang zarith...
aper kate if aunty bawak zarith, abg.haiqal,
kakak farra, kakak abby n acu g main kat playland kat atas tue...nak tak????"
he nodded...(tanda setuju lar tue...hehe)
then i took them upstairs the "tempat2 men game kat JJ tue"...
i asked the cashier (chinese guy...tak ensem...mata sepet sangat...hehe)
"how much per person??"
he replied...
"lima linggit lua jam maaa...."
i said...
"ok deal...i'll pay for 4kiddies"
i paid RM20
then i lepaskan all the kids dalam kandang playland tue...haha...
as for GEMOK (my younger bro)...
i went to the foodcourt
and i bought food for him...(diam ah die dapat makan...hehe...)

after 2hours, i called all the kiddies...
i said...
"kite balik k..."
then again ZARITH said...
"aunty, zarith ader 2soalan...
pertama, boleh tak lepas kite keluar nie zarith main game kat bawah tue???
kedua...boleh tak kalau aunty tolong belikan token utk zarith main game tue???"
adoi...betol2 maut soalan dak kecik nie...
i said...
"cannot lar sayang, we go makan dulu k sayang...cian acu da lapar..."
then he replied...
"ok!!!lets go eat pizza hut!!!"
i was mumbled all by myself...
"biler mase lak aku ajak makan pizza...ok lar...
kene mintak kat uncle sabun diorg lar nie...hehe..."
then i said...
"ok!!!lets go!!!"
to avoid the crowds i took them to
i ordered meal6 for them
plus another side order as what they are requested...

after our tanks are full with pizza,
then only we get back home...
on the way back home, while driving...i asked all the kids...
"who having fun today???"
they answered...
"MEEEEEEEE........!!!!!" was a very happiest day ever...
i felt so great to see their happy faces...hehe...

below i upload some of the photos that i took that day...
sit back...relax...and...ENJOY!!!

zahirul zarith

mohd erdzuan shafiq aka gemok

nur diana farrahana

nur liana suzanna

mohd haiqal ikmal


aunty!!!tgk kakak!!!peace!!!

kakak abby ppon pandai peace aunty...zarith ajar...

while waiting for the pizza to be ready...kebulur da dak2 nie...

pizza just arrived...hilang separuh da...rakus...:)

second pizza to finish ya kids!!!

dapat makan terus lupa aunty...

happy face...after finishing his 5th slices...kuat makan betol si gem nie

haiqal and zarith enjoyed the ice cream so much...

he pointed at my dgcam...hehe Copyright © 2009 Designed by Ipietoon Blogger Template In collaboration with fifa
Cake Illustration Copyrighted to Clarice