Here I put some photos of mine.
I took these photos yesterday.
Requested by LOVE.
He wanted to see the latest me,
since we haven't meet for almost a month.
I am just too busy preparing for my final exam.

After I took all of these photos,
only then I realized that my skin color is getting darker.
The black circle around my eyes. Sucks!!!
My hair? Sucks!!
My body figure???
Not gonna talk about my body here.
Seriously. I hate to see myself now.
I ate everything.
I took so many junk foods while I am studying.
My stomach seem "bocor".
(Nak makaaaaannnn jer..)

Well, yeah.
I should blame myself.
I am just too busying and focusing most of my time for my final exam.
Till I forget to take care of myself.

I wanna says sorry.
In fact, very sorry.
To my face.
To my hair.
To my skin.
To my body.

I promise.
After I finish all my papers,
I will take a very good care of myself.

I took these photos yesterday.
Requested by LOVE.
He wanted to see the latest me,
since we haven't meet for almost a month.
I am just too busy preparing for my final exam.

After I took all of these photos,
only then I realized that my skin color is getting darker.
The black circle around my eyes. Sucks!!!
My hair? Sucks!!
My body figure???
Not gonna talk about my body here.
Seriously. I hate to see myself now.
I ate everything.
I took so many junk foods while I am studying.
My stomach seem "bocor".
(Nak makaaaaannnn jer..)

Well, yeah.
I should blame myself.
I am just too busying and focusing most of my time for my final exam.
Till I forget to take care of myself.

I wanna says sorry.
In fact, very sorry.
To my face.
To my hair.
To my skin.
To my body.

I promise.
After I finish all my papers,
I will take a very good care of myself.

But, after all I realize.
I must not really blaming myself.
I am studying. It is for my bright future.
I have to catch up everything.
I have to maintain my pointer.
I only have 2 semesters to go.
My study is not a waste!

I must not really blaming myself.
I am studying. It is for my bright future.
I have to catch up everything.
I have to maintain my pointer.
I only have 2 semesters to go.
My study is not a waste!

air bag sgt obvious. get some good sleep dear. and ak rs, ko lebih kurus dr yg kat hospital aritu. seyes.
knp lagi 2 sem? bukan praktikal 6 bulan trs abes ke dear?
adeh.. air bag pulak.. eye bag! blurr gile! hahaaha..
tue aku pelik tue...
air bag dya!!!
da try babe...
kejap jer terjaga...
takde ah...
aku gemok giler aku rase nie...
perot boncet...
lg 2sem tue including this sem ah babe...
next sem jer tggl dok sini...
tak sabo aku!!!
ehhh jap! ko praktikal bile?
aku start december sygku...
kan smlm mase ym aku bgtau kau...
si dya nie...
nak kene ajax fabuloso memori die nie...
hahaha.. ak cam rs skrg ni bln 10 cmtu, tu yg ak rs cam okey je dec.. bila ko ckp sem dpn tu yg blur gile! haha..
alright sgt la ko praktikal december, ak sem 2 yg ada byk subjek, myb kene duk KL.. next sem ak ulang alik ipoh je kot.. hehe
jom dok ng aku...
relax babe...
next sem kau ulang alik?
cam sem nie ah?
insyaallah klu tiada aral melintang.
ala, klu kelas cuma 1 2 je perlu ke tggl di KL? ak nak makan mak masak. best. sedap. free of charge. haha. tengok la nti camne. ak cam tawar hati nk duk rumah sewa dgn stranger. seyes.
aku insyaallah jugak...
kot2 tetibe mak aku soh dok gak umah abg aku ker kan...hehe...
eleh..tak bley berlekang ng mak!!!
da beso da weeeeiiii...
camner nak berlaki nie dya???
kang hubby kau kene tido sorg sbb kau nak tido ng ibu kau...hehehe...
tawar ati dok ng stranger?
naper babe??/
bad experience?
haha.. x menarik tol duk dgn abg! ahah.
ak da lama da berlekang dgn ibu. ni je nk close b4 getting married kn? :D
xkan la ak nk tgglkn hubby tggl sorg2. sian la dia.
haah. byk peristiwa!
tau takpe...
aku pon tak hengen dok ng abg aku...
aku angan2 kawen awal di situ...
hehe..aku nak dok dkt ng mak aku gak...
rase tenang jer otak ngadap muke mak abah...
hehe...hubby dya saper yer kawan2????
cepat kawen...
aku nak jd pengapit!!!
aku chop!!!
byk peristiwa??
siannnn dya...
wah.. bila tu nk kawen? sub da lama ajak kan?
now belom ada hubby, ak sendri je! harharhar. kalau ada jodoh nk kawen, aku anta la kad. xmau ckp byk2. kang ada yg keco!
wei...apsal ko makin hodoh ni?
teruk sgt ke stadi kat uum tu?
eh, ko stadi kat uum ek?
uum tu ape ha?
aku taknak!!!
sian sub...da berpuluh juta kali ajak kawen...
segan nak naik pelain...hahahaa...
alasan tak bley blah...
belom ada hubby????
aku pening nie....
pape pon jgn lupe yer dyaku syg...
hany bany!!!
aku makin hodoh???
yer ker???
yer aku study uum agi!!!
aku lempang kau laju2 kang!
wat2 tak kenal uum lak...
lupa daratan!
klu segan naik pelamin, pakai la topeng! hehe. ala2 cm masquarate babe! hahahhaa..
aku mana ada hubby. aku kan masih pegang title miss. :D
masqurate party?
cam idea yg bernas jugak kan utk wedding theme aku nnt...aper lar topeng korg nak pakai nnt..hahaha..
cewahh...aku miss jugak aper?? :)
si diana nak join gak jd perempuan aku ym ng die..hahah
ak nk pakai white mask! hahaha..
errr, ko mrs sub! kan? aku pena jumpe pic ko pakai baju mrs sub! hahahha.. so ak je yg miss.. :D
aku smlm ajar dee ttg blog n suruh die join kita comment2 die x reti.. hahaha.. hope2 nti2 leh la join..
hakhak...white mask pon mask jugak kan..hahaha..
ala...baju mrs.sub tue si sub yg g tempah mase ader convoi geng2 kete die...hehehee...
yer??? gak kan...baper kerat jer dak2 geng2 kite der blog...kalo sume ader kan best kan..
kira dah sah la mrs sub. sub yg declare lagi pon tuh. bukan declare sendiri. hehe..
tula. ada je yg ada blog. mcm angah dgn bom. tapi cam x aktif spt kita la! haha
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