Today is our 11th anniversary??
Yes people, I know. It is quite a number.
But, it's true tho. But still have "on-off" sessions in between that 11 years.
As people always said,
"Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit"
(Saper suruh gigit lidah?)
I don't really have any idea what I'm gonna talk here regarding my anniversary.
Nothing to talk. I am totally blank.
So, I really think I want to stop here.
My headache is killing me rite now.
I should sleep. I will continue with another entry about my 11th anniversary later.
Only if there is something really special happens.
Tomorrow is a big day for Abg. Man, my cousin.
He'll become someone's husband.
I have wake up very early in the morning.
Till then, bye.
P/S: Someone said I should put this picture in my blog. So, here I am. The very latest of me. Taken before going to Abg. Man's nikah.
happy anniversary dear..
i feel bad about last nite. tgh nk cakap sal your anniversary, but tergantung mcm tu. then ak tido awal lak..
cik dya ku syg...
its ok dear...
im fine with that...
tqvm for the wishes...
kenape anda feel bad??
mind to share with me?
must be closely related to encik selimut hati...
ko da kuRos jah???
maKin CUN ar kawan aKu!!!
abg man, tahniah dari we all di selatan...
cik zizi...bila pulak
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