I woke up a bit early compared to the other days before. With the main purpose to go to visit a friend, Dzul Nyet. He was admitted to Hospital Slim River. Due to his worst fever since last Sunday.
The moment I entered the Ward 5, I looked at the name list of the patient in front of the Ward 5. There was one M. Dzulhelmi Bin M. Khadri, if I'm not mistaken. I got confused. Nyet's father is M.Sukri. Is he the same Dzulhelmi or just another person with the same name as Nyet.
Never mind, I just walked through the partition's of the ward. Then I saw Nyet lying down very weak on the bed. Poor him. I can even noticed the difference on the body figure. I just think that Nyet looked a bit slim as compared to the other day, when we went out on Sasha's birthday.
On the chair next to the bed was Nyet's mom. Nyet is suspected dengue. Poor him. His mom said, Nyet couldn't even eat the lunch meal. Nyet just having some fruits. He said he feels "loya". He cannot take any foods after all. He will surely vomitting all of it some more. He said that he already lost 10kgs for only 5 days. Somehow I think that would be a good alternative to lose my overweight. Haha. No! No! Please. Just kidding. "Simpang malaikat 44".
After an hour "borak" with Nyet, then came up a friend of him, Faiz. Which is also my good friend's beloved.Haha.
As being a good friend, |I had took several photos of Faiz for my good friend. I just candid all those without permission from Faiz of course. Baik kan I? Just for you, sayang. She did thanked me for all the photos. And of course she is very happy to have the current photos of Faiz.
I think that's enough for Nyet's update. Get well very soon Nyet!!!
P/S: I bought a chocolate moist cake and some fruits for Nyet. I hope Nyet like those.
aku teruja dgn kek tu. sedap laa.. nak sikit boom.
ehh.. nama tu silap or mmg ada dua dzul kat wad tu?
haha...nyet kate kek tue manis sgt..die loya...tak bley makan byk..
takde ah...mmg name bapak nyet tue tersalah..sebab katil same jer
anyway, cepat sembuh la...
boleh letak entry pasal
semalam yang hangat di katil hospital wit moist cake tu...
just now baru balik visit die lagi hazali...me and dya..
demam lg..
azie, diya syg azie.
diya syg boom jugak.
couldnt bear the feeling of losing both of u dears.
hug me. :'(
azie syg diya jugak!!!
siannyer kat diya cyg...
asik sedey jer idop die...
jgn sedey2...
td da kene puji ng mak...
mak kate, cantek diya tue...
azie, jgn ckp. diya malu... hehe
malu konon..hehe..
"Malu tapi suka"...nyanyian Dini...
saya setuju apa yng makcik cakap tu..
betul2 betul2
eh2 sape sakit tue??Sian......
encik dzuls86 la yg sakit.. huhuhu..
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