Another story about my new semester. Really forgot to write it in here.
To be cleared that I am now in my 7th semester for Accounting course. I was extended two semesters due to my sickness. To be specify, I had an accident in year 2006. Which made me to stayed at home because my right hand can't moved.
I was attended physiotherapy sessions for almost three to four months in order to make my right hand to be functioned again.
Okay. That is really a very long..long..time ago story.
Here a few situations when I entered new class and met with new friends.
Situation 1
Me: Hye, can I sit here?
Friend_1: Yes.
Me: Saya Azie. Awak?
Friend_1: Saya .... (I don't have any permission to mention her name here).
While we had a beginning chat, student in front of us passing the attendance list to us. In UUM, we have to sign the attendance list besides punch our student card at the machine near the class front door.
I signed the attendance list. As usual, my name will be on top. The first name in the list because the list were sorted by matrix number of the students.
My batch used to have only five numbers for our matrix number. But all juniors or batches after us having six numbers for their matrix number.
Friend_1: Awak semester berape sekarang?
Me: 7.
Friend_1: 7? Tapi kenape matrix number awak start angka 7? Kan sekarang semua start 10 dah kan?
Me: Ooo..Saya memang sem 7. Saya extend 2 sem dulu. Tapi extend tak diambil kira.
Friend_1: Maksudnya batch awak semua dah abis? Dah grad?
Me: Hmmm..Yer. Saya tinggal sorang jer. Semua dah habis.
Then, I kept silent. Tension.
Situation 2
I met my old friend somewhere in Faculty of Accountancy. I was walking to the class.
Friend_2: Eh! Azie!
Me: Eh! Haiiii...Lame tak jumpa...
Friend_2: Azie tak habis lagi ker? Ingatkan Azie practicum sekarang. Batch Azie kan da habis kan?
Me: Tak lar. Azie kan extend 2 sem. Nie final sem lar nie.
Friend_2: Ooo..Sabar yer Azie.
Me: Yer..Sabar...
Situation 3:
I don't like people to addressed me as "KAKAK".
Friend_3: Hai. Saye....
Me: Hai. Saya Azie.
Friend_3: Kak Azie sem berapa sekarang?
Me: 7. And jangan panggil saya Kakak. Just Azie.
Friend_3: Ala..Tak biasa lar kak. Kak Azie kan senior.
Me: Whatever...
Situation 4:
Friend_4: Hai. Awak sem berapa?
Me: 7.
Friend_4: Eh. Awak baru first time ker amik paper nie?
Me: Of course.
Friend_4: Ingatkan awak repeat paper nie.
Me: Excuse me. Saya tak pernah ada sejarah repeat paper yer.
Friend_4: Tak lar. Nie kan paper sem bawah.
Me: Oo..Saya memang plan nak amek paper nie final sem.
Argh!! Tensionnya jadi SUPER DUPER SENIOR!!!
after along silent
5 years ago
sabo jela zie.. bese la tu.. lelame nnt org da tak tanye da...
pelik ye korang kat UUM. junior x kenal senior.
mmg..saye bersabo jer lar...
lg 4 bulan jer pon dok sini...hehe
jelesnyer piya da sambung master..
kite nie degree pon terkontang-kanting agi...
biasenyer mmg junor kenal yg same course ah...
nie yg aku nyer kelas utk paper luar fakulti ah..paper fakulti len..
kakak azie
ohhh bergelar super duper troppers senior beb...
mmg popular la...
yeaaaa hidup colgis...
hahaha....sian ko....len kali kalo ade org tanya soalan mcm tu lagi ko ketuk je kpale diorang...tak pon ko sepak je muke diorang....nak sgt tnye soalan2 mcm tu...tetambah org yg panggil ko kakak tu...diorang tu mmg nak kene.takkan diorang tu xtau ko ni org tua yg perasan mude...sian giler ah ko ni....hehehehe
babe.. ilek k.. ur time will come.. aku pon ngah goyang kaki ag ni.. heeheee.. babe, k.long nk kawen next saturday.. jemput dtg tauuu.. lebiuu.. misyu gile jah ;(
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