I feel no longer lonely to live in here, despite I have no more best friends studying in here. I mean in UUM. Dayah, Yanie, Jojo, Lean, Semah, Markonah, Jesnita, Hany Bany, Ibu and many more friends are now on their way to succeed in their own chosen carrier? Definitely leaving me behind.

For the past few weeks, which fell at the very beginning of this semester, I felt so lonely. I looked all around me, they were all gone.
Frankly says, I am really down whenever I'd heard or even read their blogs. To know they are all now already made one more steps in their life, which is moving into the world of carrier. But, above all, I feel so happy for them.

Enough. That is not really my main purpose to write this entry.
For the fact that LOVE is always around here, to join all the expos or event hosted by UUM, I feel no more lonely. I have him around me. What else will I asked for? Haha!!
I love to write about LOVE. Scrolling at my latest entries, I realize that there are limited entries about LOVE. No wonder why he always complaining to me. Some sort like,
LOVE: B, I visit your blog just now. Lame tak tengok. Busy sangat.
Me: Yer? Hehe.. I wrote about pimples!!
LOVE: Takde pon entry pasal I.
Me: Yer ker? Eh..Ader lar sayang...(Pujuk baiiikkk...)
LOVE: Mana ada. I telah dipinggirkan. Hukhuk!
Me: Alamak!!
To LOVE, here I write about you dear. No forcing. I rather do this with my full heart.
I don't know how lucky I am to have LOVE in my life. He has been so good to me. Maybe it's not too much if I say, he has been great to me. He will always be the one who will "mengalah" whenever the crucial times arrieved. I know it is not easy for a very-hot-tempered guy like him to be surrended first, and then begging me for forgiveness eventhough most of the times it was me, who actually started the fights. Hehe. Baik kan I.
Actually before I met with his family, and become so much closer like we are nowadays, I don't really know that LOVE had that kind of very-hot-tempered behaviour. Okay yes, my cousin, who is actually LOVE's ex-classmate in secondary school had told me several stories or situations to show me that LOVE have that behaviour. But, as I said, I didn't really realized it.
Untill the day of meeting with his family. Officially met. It was back to 3 to 4 years back. I had so much chat with his mom, sisters, brothers and even with his nephews and nieces. For the very first time met with them, the little sister of him, Piqah, asked me this question.
Piqah: Kak Azie, camner ek Kak Azie boleh couple dengan Andak (LOVE)? Yer lar, kitorang semua agak kagum lar dengan Kak Azie.
Me: Eh, kenapa lak Piqah tanya camtu?
Piqah: Yer lar, Andak tu kan lain sikit. Andak tu pelik tau. Kalau dia dok rumah ni, senyap jer dia. Kitorang adik-adik semua takut dengan dia. Garang tau.
Me: Yer ker? Iskh..takde lar piqah. Andak tu baik lar. Tak pernah pon garang dengan akak.
Piqah: Andak tak garang? Merepek lar Kak Azie nie. Nak tau tak, Abang Chik (LOVE lil bro) tu takut giler dengan Andak. Ateh (LOVE lil sis also) pon tak berani sangat cakap dengan Andak. Piqah nie pon boleh kira berapa kali borak dengan Andak.
Me: Yer ker? Akak tak pernah sedar pon Andak tue garang..

After having little conversation with Piqah, I asked about that to his mom. Guess what? His mom said all of that is true. Haha!! Funny. How I didn't realized all of that before? Bad girlfriend huh?
Okay, let's move on.
As some of my friends know, I am a very "cengeng" girl. I have a really sensitive heart. I can simply turn into tears and cry and cry, just like a baby. I hate to watch sad movies. I can't hold back my feeling. I will cry eventhough there are so many people around me. My ADIK always laugh seeing me crying whenever we watch drama on TV. I will even cry when I see other people crying in front of me. Serious! Sensitive terlampau!!
Having said that, throughout my relationship with LOVE, it is for sure I'd cried a lot. I will cry eventhough for a simple tiny little thingy. LOVE always said that he is a bad boyfriend. He felt bad whenever he saw me crying. He might even think that he hasn't give enough to make me always smiling. But now, as time flies, and we are in 11th years of being together, seeing me crying is been a very normal thing to him. He will cuddle me, calming me down, giving me a warm hugs, kiss my cheeks, swipe my tears off, make me laugh and that's it! Then I okay lar! He is never fails doing all that to me. He loves me that much, rite?

Sometime I even think, the weakest part of LOVE is seeing me crying. I can assure that because whenever we had a fight, when actually I was the one who started it, and he gets really angry with me, then he raise his voice to me (just a little slightly higher I will say), and then confirm lar I cry at the moment his voice rising. Whenever the first tears drop, he will feel guilty. All the angers before will immediately gone. Dissappered into the thin air. Haha!! Then he will pujuk me again. Lucky me!

LOVE also has a very warm and comfortable body, despite he is very kedings. I love it whenever I feel tired or sleepy. Because I just love it when he put his arms around me, let his chest to be my pillow, playing with my hairs until I sleep. Soooo comfortable. I love it!! All this sort of situations will happened when he asked me to accompany him to watch movies, the boring one, which really not the type of movies I like the most. I will simply fall asleep for the first 15 minutes the movie just started. Membazir tiket jer.

What else ek? Actually I have so much other things I love to write in here. But too sleepy. It is 4.54 am now. And I don't even sleep. So, I think I will stop here. I will write more, maybe next time.
Till next entry!!
Nite all!!!
PS. I love you.
PPS. The above picture was taken during our lunch time. He is playing his PSP, and I just snapping here and there while waiting for the foods. That time I kidnapped him from his busyness. Hehe. I was really hungry. So what?

pe lagi kawen la wey!ahahahhaha!
boipren ko tu dh ade ciri2 somi mithali taw..salah 1 nye penyayang..hehehehe
mmg die byk kali da ajak aku kawen..
sebenornyer die bercita2 nak kawen umur 25thn, sunnah Rasulullah katenyer..tp aku tak ready lg..belajo tak abis lg..hehe..then samapi laa nie tak kawen lg..sian die...takpe, tunggu aku abis belajo..pastu terus kawen then produce baby..tp takde lar baby made in Riyadh cam ko kan..hehe..jeles i
jahhhh... aku terharu u mentioned my name! hehehe.. alaa x lama lg ko pn akan nyah dari situ.. ehehehe.. gudlak for ur final semester in uum babe! missing u here ;(
aku masih bertukar2 pasangan damn biler aku nk serius...
happy for you syg...
P/s: aku masih menanti.
wah panjangnye entry. Memang love betul lah ni. Anyway. please read your email.
hehe..miss u damn too much tau..rindu sgt ng korg..aku rase sunyi sgt mula2 sem..pastu sub join event2 kat UUM nie..takde ah sunyi sgt..tp sok die abis keje sini..sunyi lik ah..
takpe aku bersabar..lg berape bulan jer nak blah dr sini..
dzul si nyet...
hehe..kau bertukar2 pasangan lg nyet??unur cam kite nie da takde mase da nak tukar2, carik2 pasangan..sepatutnya kau da kene serious..pk future da
tq dear..
masih menanti??
dont worry..aku kan ader..sentiasa sudi temankan kau..promise..
Hana' Fedora..
hehe..mmg love sgt..gatai kan I..
read email?wokeh..like u know jer kan i nie jenis malas tgk email..hehe..tq for reminding..
love ya..
email aku gak. ada benda nak tny. hehehe..
watpe aku menanti ko. takkan la aku nak kawin dgn ko? :(
baik encik diya..
ala..aku tak kate suruh kau menanti aku..aku kate aku sudi teman kau di sepanjang penantian kau tue...hehehe..
baik..nnt aku email kau k sygku..
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